Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Spring 08 Vocabulary Words

Week 1
DE = away from, apart, down, reverse
deodorant (n) something that masks or neutralizes the odor of something
deleterious (adj) harmful, injurious
detrimental (adj) causing damage or harm
devious (adj) not straight-forward, deceitful
depreciate (v) to lessen in value
detach (v) to separate; to disconnect
deregulate (v) to take away control or rules
derivation (n) the source or origin of something
decline (v) to express polite refusal; to slope downward

Week 2
CON/CO = with
congress (n) a formal assembly to discuss problems
confounding (adj) confusing or perplexing
contort (v) to twist out of shape
concise (adj) expressing much in few words; clear and succinct
conciliate (v) to overcome the distrust of, to appease
congenial (adj) having the same tastes or temperament; friendly
convivial (adj) lively, merry, festive
co-exist (v) to live together at the same time or the same place
VI = life
vibrant (adj) full of vigor or energy
vivacious (n) full of spirit; lively

Week 3
AM/EM = love
1. amateur (n) someone who does something as a pastime rather than a
2. amorous (adj) strongly attracted to sexually
3. amity (n) peaceful relations
4. enamoured (adj) inspired with love; captivated
PHIL = love
5. philanthropy (n) a love of humans
6. philatelist (n) a stamp collector
7. bibliophile (n) a lover of books

Week 4
PAN = all
1. panorama (n) an open view of the entire surroundings
2. panacea (n) a cure for all diseases or evils
3. pandemic (n) wide-spread
4. panoply (n) a splendid or striking display
OMNI = all
5. omnipotent (adj) having unlimited power
6. omnipresent (adj) present everywhere all at once

Week 5
DICT = to say, to tell, to use words
1. dictate (v) to say aloud to someone who write it
2. malediction (n) a curse
3. edict (n) a decree issued by an authority
4. verdict (n) the finding of a jury in a trial
5. predict (v) to tell or know something in advance
FAB/FAM = to speak
6. fable (n) a short narrative having a moral
7. infamous (adj) having an extremely bad reputation
8. defame (v) to damage someone’s reputation
9. fabulous (adj) astonishing; extremely pleasing
10. ineffable (adj) unable to be expressed; indescribable

Week 6
ANTI = against, opposing
1. antisocial (adj) shunning or avoiding others
2. antiseptic (adj) throughly clean
3. antithesis (n) a direct contrast; opposition
4. antipathy (n) a strong dislike
5. antidote (n) something that counteracts a poison
CONTRA/COUNTER = against, opposing
6. contradict (v) to say the opposite; to deny
7. contraband (n) goods prohibited in trade
8. counteract (v) to oppose or lessen the effects or something through contraryaction
9. contrary (adj) opposed

Week 7:
PSYCH = mind, soul, spirit
1. psychiatry (n) the branch of medicine that deals with mental and emotional disorders
2. psychic (n) someone who has extraordinary mental powers such as ESP
3. psychopath (n) someone with an aggressive, perverted, or criminal personality disorder
4. psychosomatic (adj) having physical symptoms which originate from mental or emotional causes.
SOMN = sleep
5. insomnia (n) the inability to sleep
6. somnambulate (v) to walk while asleep
PEN, PONT = to weigh, to consider
7. ponder (v) to weigh carefully in the mind
8. ponderous (adj) having great weight
9. pensive (adj) deeply or wistfully thoughtful
10. repent (v) to feel regret for one’s actions

Week 8:
precaution (n) an action taken to protect against possible danger or failure
preconception (n) an opinion formed before you have adequate knowledge
predecessor (n) one who comes ahead of another; especially in an office or position
preliminary (adj) before the main action or business; introductory
premeditate (v) to plan or plot in advance
posterior (adj) located behind a part or structure
posthumous (adj) occurring or continuing after one’s death
postmortem (n) a prcedure performed to determine a person’s cause of death
postoperative (adj) happening after surgery

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