Thursday, January 17, 2008

A Doll House Paper

Length: 2-2.5 pages
Format: Standard analytical paper examining some aspect of the play, "A Doll House"
Possible Paper Topics:
  1. Mrs. Linde is the perfect character foil for Nora, offering a model for her to follow as well as actions for Nora to avoid.
  2. Dr. Rank and Krogstad are very effective character foils for Torval Helmer, offering models for him to follow as well as actions for him to avoid.
  3. Nora is not the only “doll” in the “doll house.” Torvald and the children are also dolls which adds to the feel of unreality of the family and the marriage.
  4. While Krogstad causes tough problems for Nora, he cannot be considered the only “villain” of this play.
  5. It is Torvald who has created the biggest problems for Nora, not Krogstad.
  6. Dr, Rank is probably a better man morally than Krogstad, but he, too, is flawed and isn’t perfect.
  7. Helmer has several chances to change during the course of the play, but he misses these opportunities. Thus, he is responsible for what happens at the end.
  8. Nora and Helmer have contrasting views of reality which makes what happens at the end inevitable.

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