Monday, January 7, 2008

Winter Vocabulary Words

Week 1
SUB = under, below, beneath
submissive (adj) yielding or surrendering to the will or authority of
subordinate (adj) less important
subservient (adj) slavish or showing compliance to another
substandard (adj) failing to meet a certain level or degree
subliminal (adj) below the level of consciousness
subterfuge (n) a trick or excuse to get out of something unpleasant
subpoena (n) a legal paper requiring someone’s appearance in court to
give testimony

HYPO = under, below, beneath
hypodermic (adj) injected beneath the skin
hypothesis (n) an explanation that can be tested by investigation
hypothermia (n) a condition where the body’s core temperature drops
below normal

Week 2
BULL = to boil
ebullient (adj) zestfully enthusiastic, bubbly
FLAG/FLAM = fire
conflagration (n) a large destructive fire
flammable (adj) easily ignited; able to burn rapidly
flamboyant (adj) highly elaborate or showy
flagrant (adj) conspicuously bad
FERV = heat
ferment (v) to cause turbulent change
effervescent (adj) bubbling; showing excitement
fervent (adj) great warmth or intensity of feeling

Week 3
EX = out
exalt (v) to raise in rank; to elevate
exclude (v) to prevent from entering; to keep out
extol (v) to praise highly
exuberant (adj) high-spirited; lively
eloquent (adj) able to speak fluently and persuasively
extricate (v) to release from entanglement or difficulty
extraneous (adj) not essential
extrovert (n) one who is socially outgoing
expectorate (v) to spit
exorcise (v) to expel an evil spirit;to free from evil spirits

Week 4
CIRCUM = around
circumference (n) the boundary line of a circle
circumlocution (n) the use of wordy and indirect language (to beat around the bush)
circumnavigate (v) to go or proceed completely around
circumspect (adj) cautious; prudent, careful
circumstantial (adj) of minor importance
circumvent (v) to avoid or to get around (doing something)
orthodontics (N) the dental specialty of straigthening the teeth
orthodox (adj) adhering to an accepted or established doctrine
orthopedics (n) the branch of medicine that deals with injuries or disorders of
skeletal system

Week 5
bellicose (adj) warlike in manner
belligerent (adj) hostile, eager to fight
malefactor (n) a criminal
malevolence (n) evil behavior
malformation (n) a deformity; an abnormal structure
malfunction (n) to fail to work normally
malign (v) to speak evil of
malinger (v) to pretend to be sick in order to avoid work

Week 6
precaution (n) an action taken to protect against possible danger or failure
preconception (n) an opinion formed before you have adequate knowledge
predecessor (n) one who comes ahead of another; especially in an office or position
preliminary (adj) before the main action or business; introductory
premeditate (v) to plan or plot in advance

posterior (adj) located behind a part or structure
posthumous (adj) occurring or continuing after one’s death
postmortem (n) a prcedure performed to determine a person’s cause of death
postoperative (adj) happening after surgery

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