Monday, August 27, 2007

Fall Term Vocab

Week 1: EGO, AUTO, BIO = self/life
egocentric (adj) being concerned only with oneself
superego (n) the part of the psyche that functions as one’s conscience
alter ego (n) a second self
autobiography (n) an account of a preson’s life written by her/himself
autodidactic (adj) self-taught
autonomous (adj.) self-governing; independent
automatic (adj) self-moving or self-acting
bionics (n) the design of computers and equipment that performs like a human
biopsy (n) the taking out of tissue from a living body to help with diagnosis

Other words: egotistical, autograph, biodegradable, biological warfare

Week 2: AQUA, HYDR, MAR = water or sea
aquamarine (n/adj) a light greenish blue
aquarium (n) a water-filled enclosure where animals and plants live
aqueduct (n) something that carries water froma distant place
hydrant (n) an upright pipe with nozzle for getting water
dehydrate (v) to remove or lose water
hydrophobia (n) fear of water; rabies
hydroplane (n/v) a sea plane or to skim the surface of the water
mariner (n) a sailor
maritime (adj) of or relating to the sea or sea navigation

Other words: Aqua Velva, hydrocephalus, hydroelectric, hydrotherapy,

Week 3: MATER, PATER = mother/father
maternal (adj) motherly
matrimony (n) the state of being married
matriarchal (adj) ruled by women
patriot (n) a person who loves and defends her/his fatherland
paternity (n) fatherhood
patriarchal (adj) ruled by men
patricide (n) the act of murdering one’s own father

Other words: alma mater, matricide, matrix, patrician

Week 4: SCRIPT/SCRIB, GRAPH/GRAM = to write
scribe (n) a person whose occupation or job is writing
inscribe (v) to write on paper, metal, stone, etc.
prescribe (v) to order or direct
proscribe (v) to prohibit, condemn
graphic (adj/n) giving a clear and lifelike picture
photography (n) the taking of pictures with a camera
biography (n) the written story of a person’s life
mammogram (n) an x-ray of the breast
cardiogram (n) an x-ray of the heart

Other words: scripture, dysgraphia, grammar

Week 5: SCI, COGN/COGNI/GNOCS = to know
conscience (n) the awareness of a moral or ethical aspect of one’s behavior
omniscient (adj) knowing everything
prescient (adj) knowledge of events before they happen
cognizant (adj) conscious knowledge or recognition
incognito (adj) with one’s identity disguised
recognize (v) to know or identify from past experience
prognosis (n) a prediction of the outcome of a disease
agnostic (n) someone who doesn’t know if there is a God or not
conscious (adj) having an awareness of one’s surroundings and one’s self

Other words: science, cognition, gnostic

Week 6: AUD/AUDIT = to hear; VID/VIS = to see; SENS/SENT = to feel
audible (adj) capable of being heard
audit (n/v) a formal examination of financial records; to attend a course without
receiving credit
audition (n) a trial performance of a performer
visionary (n) a seer or prophet
revise (v) to review, change, or modify
dissent (v) to disagree, to differ
sensual (adj) affecting the senses
resent (v) to feel angry or bitter about
Other words: auditory, videographer, provide, sensation

Week 7: MAN = hand; PED = foot
manual (adj/n) of or relating to the hands; a handbook of instructions
manufacture (v) to make or procedd into a finished producy
emancipate (v) to free from bondage
manifest (adj) obvious
pedestal (n) an architectural base
podiatrist (n) a foot doctor
expedient (adj) appropriate
impede (v) to obstruct the progress of

Other words: manipulate, manacle, pedal, pedicure

Week 8: A, AB = from, away
abrasive (adj) causing irritation
apathetic (adj) having a lack of interest or emotion
abnormal (adj) deviating from the normal or average
abstain (v) to restrain oneself
abduct (v) to carry off by force; to kidnap
abhor (v) to loathe, to detest

Other words: abdicate, abolish

OB = against, opposite
obsequious (adj) showing slavish compliance
obstinate (adj) stubbornly sticking to an attitude
obstruct (v) to block with an obstacle, to impede
obsolete (adj) no longer in use

Other words: objectionable, obstacle, obliterate

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